stokes field guide to birds: eastern region (stokes field guides)

May 7, 2010 at 1:52 pm Leave a comment

Buy Cheap Stokes Field Guide to Birds: Eastern Region (Stokes Field Guides)

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The easiest-to-use and most comprehensive field guide to North American birds-from the country’s preeminent writers on birds and nature Drawing on more than twenty years’ experience as bird and wildlife experts, Donald and Lillian Stokes have produced field guides that are factually, visually, and organizationally superior to any other books you can buy. You’ll find: * All the identification information on a single page-color photographs, range map, and detailed description. No more fumbling to match photos with text! * For fast reference-a compact alphabetical index inside the front and back covers. * More than 900 high-resolution color identification photographs. * An illustrated Quick Guide to the most common backyard and feeder birds. * Convenient colored tabs keyed to each bird group. * Concise and comprehensive text, with information on habitat; plumage variation; feeding, nesting, and mating behavior; bird feeder proclivity; and-for the first time in any guide-population trends and conservation status……..

Technical Details

– ISBN13: 9780316818094
– Condition: NEW
– Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.
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Customer Buzz

 “Best Bird Book We Have” 2009-12-08
By Que Tal Carolyn (Now living in Illinois, formerly on a boat in the Sea of Cortez)
We have at least four other bird books and this is the one we always turn to (NOTE: we don’t have the Sibley’s that I’ve also heard is really good, so can’t compare it to that). It’s easier to find birds in, has the range maps right on the same page as the photo and other information (one of my pet peeves with some other books is that information is spread over several pages). Also tells if the bird is likely to be at your birdfeeder!

You know it has to be good if we already owned four other bird books, saw this one at a friend’s house, and came home and ordered it!

Customer Buzz

 “Thank you” 2009-06-30
By Bonnie Blackwell (Pasadena, MD)
I received product quickly. I was very happy with the book. Thank you

Customer Buzz

 “Stokes Feild Guide to the Birds” 2009-06-23
By P. K. Allen (Barre, MA USA)
Stokes Guide to the Birds – Colored photos nice and clear – much better than the drawings found in other guides. Book was received in exactly the condition described and in a reasonable length of time.

Customer Buzz

 “very poor editing” 2009-06-15
I’m really disappointed in this book. I ordered it to get more acquainted with the birds of Vermont, but there are page after page about birds that are nowhere near the Eastern US. There are many pages of western birds and Mexican birds in this book with ranges nowhere close to the Eastern US, so the title is completely inappropriate. Last time I’ll order a field guide online.

Customer Buzz

 “There are Better…” 2009-05-26
By Avid Camper (USA)
Simply put, there are better guides out there. After all I read about Stokes guides, this Stokes guide was a big disappointment. Most of the photos are blurry, grainy, terrible! Many photos are very small. Also, for many birds, there is only one photo per bird, so there is no juvenile, female, variations. And many of the photos show odd angles and/or lighting. I did like the layout of the information and the way you can find birds by color, but found it to be more useful, after you ID the bird, using another field guide. This book does have interesting tidbits about a birds habits/lifestyle. There is not much ID/field mark info. This should not be called a “field guide”, but maybe a reference book. Hope this helps…

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Buy Stokes Field Guide to Birds: Eastern Region (Stokes Field Guides) Now

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stokes field guide to birds: eastern region (stokes field guides) backyard bird lover’s field guide (rodale organic gardening book)

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